Home Counties Special Area Day – 3rd October 2023

An excellent multi – discipline day was held at the Marford Memorial Hill, Wheathampsted attended by 60 members. The day began with a focus on the Principles and Elements of design illustrated by 7 exhibits and explained by Lesley Sturdy. This was followed by a very busy session with everyone, in pairs collaborating with another, to create an imposed arrangement. All the materials were provided and a wide variety of designs were produced.

Ann Swain led a plant identification activity followed by Valerie Best talking about judging. Everyone was asked to judge 8 large exhibits entitled’ Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder’ and it was interesting that the design that was most popular was not judged by Valerie as the best according to Competition Rules.

Linda O’Toole gave an excellent talk about Photography and tips on the best way to photograph floral art. She illustrated her talk with photographs of her work and techniques.

The session on Speaking was led by Janneke Jones, the Area Speakers Representative, who encouraged Clubs to have a Speaker at their meetings and also gave guidance on ‘how to give a Vote of Thanks.’

The day ended with a demonstration by Jane Ellis, our Demonstrators Representative who illustrated some of the Principles and Elements of Design in three arrangements.

It was a very interesting and informative day, enjoyed by everyone.
